If you want to sell an industrial building and exchange it for an apartment building in a 1031 transaction, can you reside in one of the units of your replacement property apartment building?
This is a bit of a gray area. Theoretically, you can mix the use of the 1031 exchange replacement property. However, in general it’s not a good idea to get cute with the IRS by “crossing the streams” like this. It’s much safer (from a 1031 exchange perspective) to keep your 1031 exchange separate from your personal residence.
Let’s say a taxpayer wants to buy a farm with 78 tillable acres and a farmhouse that they want to live in. You can use 1031 monies and non-1031 monies to buy the whole thing, but it would be better and cleaner if you could break these into two separate transactions: a 1031 exchange for the tillable acres, and a separate straight forward purchase of the farmhouse. That keeps all the monies separate and distinct and leaves no room for confusion when it comes time to report it to the IRS.
Set Up Your 1031 Exchange for Success
Set your 1031 exchange up for success by contacting a 1031 exchange intermediary to discuss the details of your next exchange. CPEC1031, LLC has been working on 1031 exchanges of all types for more than two decades. Our team is on hand to assist you through every stage of your 1031 exchange transaction. Reach out today to set up a time to chat about your upcoming 1031 exchange of investment real estate.
Start Your 1031 Exchange: If you have questions about 1031 exchanges, feel free to call me at 612-643-1031.
Defer the tax. Maximize your gain.
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